Join us in learning – enhance your compet­itive ability one step at a time

Welcome to our website! The site gives you an oppor­tunity to enhance your resilience and compe­tences in green transition and digital­ization. The website includes concise content units that univer­sities of applied sciences have created specif­i­cally for profes­sional devel­opment and studying while working.

Your resilience can help you in the future, and green transition and digital­ization are at the heart of change. Our goal is to help you keep up with the newest devel­op­ments and enhance your compe­tence.

You can go through the 20-minute inspi­ration bulletins while you work or opt for the more extensive modules to study at your own pace.

During the year 2023, Univer­sities of Applied Sciences have provided companies with numerous events, sparring sessions and co-devel­opment oppor­tu­nities, and easily acces­sible micro-studies within the React-funded project to support resilience, green transition and digital­i­sation. On the website’s ‘Company Stories and Guides’ section, you can explore company stories and learn how businesses have gained new expertise through project events. Additionally, you’ll hear about companies’ thoughts on collab­o­ration with Univer­sities of Applied Sciences and how they’ve utilized their services.

Involved in the project as our partner is the Feder­ation of Finnish Enter­prises. Its Yrittäjät Academy provides useful training sessions to support the devel­opment of profes­sional compe­tence. For more infor­mation, visit the Yrittäjät Academy website.

The main provider of funds for the Supporting the Resilience, Digital­ization and Green Transition of SMEs React projects is the European Social Fund. The projects are imple­mented in cooper­ation with the Chambers of Commerce, local entre­pre­neurs’ societies, and univer­sities of applied sciences. Project period is 1 November 2022 – 31 December 2023.

The future is full of oppor­tu­nities – we want to help you seize them!

Why choose micro-studies?

1. Keep up with the topics of the day, meet the demands of working life, and develop your business opera­tions

Working life requires continuous devel­opment of your own compe­tence.

Does it feel hard to find the time? Not to worry, the solution is micro-learning. The micro-study contents we offer are available 24/7.

You can start with the quick inspi­ration bulletins and proceed to the more extensive module if you wish.

2. Inspi­ra­tions, micro-studies, and advanced studies

Micro-studies are concise units that can be completed flexibly while you work. The offering consists of short podcasts, webinars, and micro-studies targeted at companies.

Companies can complete micro-studies anywhere and anytime, free of charge. Complete the studies when it best suits you.

The offering will expand during the year! Stay tuned!



Resilience refers to the ability to adapt to rapidly changing situa­tions. Succeeding in working life requires continuous devel­opment and renewal. Resilience is the key to this, as it enables rapid reactions to changing situa­tions and facil­i­tates the acqui­sition of new skills. We offer you content produced by univer­sities of applied sciences to help you enhance your resilience and succeed in the working life of the future.


Digital­ization refers to the spread of digital infor­mation technology into the various areas of society. In the coming years, digital­ization will have a great impact on the playing field of companies and their related oppor­tu­nities. The devel­opment enabled by digital­ization will be reflected in companies through e.g. efficiency, meaning­fulness of work, customer satis­faction, and new kinds of products and services.

Green transition

Green transition refers to the transition towards ecolog­i­cally sustainable economy and growth. The green transition includes e.g. the use of renewable energy, the circular economy, and the calcu­lation of the carbon footprint. The change makes it possible for companies to strengthen their compet­itive ability and respond in a goal-oriented manner to the needs of the environment and the demand for sustainable devel­opment by their customers.

Company Stories and Guides

In 2023, Univer­sities of Applied Sciences have provided companies numerous events, sparring sessions and micro-studies. On the website’s ‘Company Stories and Guides’ section, you can explore company stories and learn how businesses have gained new expertise through project events. Additionally, you’ll hear about companies’ thoughts on collab­o­ration with Univer­sities of Applied Sciences and how they’ve utilized their services.