
Digital­ization refers to the spread of digital infor­mation technology into the various areas of society. In the coming years, digital­ization will have a great impact on the playing field of companies and their related oppor­tu­nities. The utili­sation of digital technology and the updating of operating proce­dures through, for example, automating work phases, robot­i­sation, machine learning, data analysis, or artificial intel­li­gence are some of the key elements of digital­ization. The devel­opment enabled by digital­ization will be reflected in companies through e.g. efficiency, meaning­fulness of work, customer satis­faction, and new kinds of products and services.

Making use of digital­ization requires resilience from companies and compe­tence from their employees. We offer you content produced by univer­sities of applied sciences to help you enhance your digital­ization-related compe­tence and succeed in the working life of the future.

The website contains different kinds of infor­mation kits. Inspi­ration bulletins are shortest, less than 20 minutes long. Microlearning and advanced studies are suitable for building your compe­tence and can be divided into multiple listening sessions.

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Green transition

Green transition refers to the transition towards ecolog­i­cally sustainable economy and growth. The green transition includes e.g. the use of renewable energy, the circular economy, and the calcu­lation of the carbon footprint. The change makes it possible for companies to strengthen their compet­itive ability and respond in a goal-oriented manner to the needs of the environment and the demand for sustainable devel­opment by their customers.


Resilience refers to the ability to adapt to rapidly changing situa­tions. Succeeding in working life requires continuous devel­opment and renewal. Resilience is the key to this, as it enables rapid reactions to changing situa­tions and facil­i­tates the acqui­sition of new skills. We offer you content produced by univer­sities of applied sciences to help you enhance your resilience and succeed in the working life of the future.